See also:
AV_516-AMERICAN_POWER_STRUCTURE_UPDATE-PART_IIn the concluding hour we provide the bases of elite control of the economic
system through an interlocking network of stock ownership and shared
directorates, especially by the ruling class banks and insurance companies.
Next is an assessment of the distribution of wealth and income in the
country. Then we analyze the place and function of the mass media in the
power structure, finding that the elite media are part of the system of
control. Control of elections is the next section, followed by a review of
the book "Trading with the Enemy" and a section of "America/from Hitler to
MX," showing how during World War II the American ruling economic
institutions were assisting the Axis powers while the US was fighting them.
Finally, we conclude with a short section on what can be done to work toward
real democracy in the US.
Copyright June, 1994
* Note:
* The Alternative Information Network
* address in the video is no longer in use.